For The People

June 8th, 2024

ChatGPT and Adobe Photoshop

I made this piece for the people.

For the people of:

-Sudan. South Sudan, and Chad





For all the people experiencing devastating genocide, senseless endless wars, and the apocalyptic levels of hunger and suffering we’ve all been indoctrinated into accepting as “normal” and “necessary” for society as a whole to survive and thrive. Not every situation has to be a win-win, but if my “win” means someone else losing their home, their health, their family, then I have to do my best as an individual to mitigate my participation in a system that is so clearly flawed, while also understanding that there are limits to my personal abilities.

No one human’s happiness should have to come at the cost of another’s.

One hundred percent of the proceeds from minting this NFT will go to the Care Organization, towards supporting the people in territories most heavily affected by war and conflict. Every subsequent sale will be split 50-50 with the seller and the nonprofit. You must be 18 years or older (or whichever is the legal age in your area) and possess a valid credit card tied to your name, or if purchasing with crypto you automatically attest that you are of legal majority age within your jurisdiction to be making such a transaction.


Migrant Crisis

