Feminine Blooms in a Virile Vessel
June 4th, 2024
Wombo Dream, Adobe Photoshop
I had the AI create the basis for this piece in conjunction with ‘Gina Falls. Minting this blurred rendition unlocks access to the image at full resolution. You must be 18 years or older (or whichever is the legal age in your area) and possess a valid credit card tied to your name, or if purchasing with crypto you automatically attest that you are of legal majority age within your jurisdiction to be making such a transaction.
Fifty percent of the proceeds from minting NFT is to be split evenly between all the causes that the site is aiming to fund. The other fifty percent will go towards Nele The Entertainer LLC. Every subsequent sale will be split in three ways: 50 % to the seller, 45% royalties to be split evenly between all the causes, 5% royalties to Nele The Entertainer LLC. You must be 18 years or older (or whichever is the legal age in your area) and possess a valid credit card tied to your name, or if purchasing with crypto you automatically attest that you are of legal majority age within your jurisdiction to be making such a transaction.