Dropped By The Law,

For Wanting To Be My

True Self


June 4th, 2024

ChatGPT, Adobe Photoshop & Firefly, and Canon EOS M50 DSLR Camera

I remastered this piece for the same reason as the previous two; to display my progress as a digital artist but also to highlight the persistently negative effects of the healthcare bans towards already disenfranchised persons.

Gender affirming care is essential because it saves lives. It allows individuals to live their truth, to feel at home in their bodies as well as their communities.

To deny any human being this is an atrocity. To do it in the name of religiosity and political power is deeply unjust.

Although I am not trans, I am part of the queer community and I cannot remain silent. Even as the wind catches my voice, I will speak. Even as the proverbial nooses catch theirs, I will listen. And even with our hands politically tied, we will fight for our right to live.

One hundred percent of the proceeds from minting this NFT will go towards Traction: Trans Community Action, to fund accessibility to resources and relocation of individuals domiciled in states with bans against gender affirming care. Every subsequent sale will be split 50-50 with the seller and the foundation. You must be 18 years or older (or whichever is the legal age in your area) and possess a valid credit card tied to your name, or if purchasing with crypto you automatically attest that you are of legal majority age within your jurisdiction to be making such a transaction.


Dreamer Living The American Nightmare Remastered


Migrant Crisis