Dropped By The Law,

For Wanting to be

My True Self

November 8th, 2022

Midjourney, DALL-E 2, Wombo Dream, and iPhone 13 Pro camera

To quote myself:

“In the last entry of this series, I wanted underline a fact that is unbelievable to me; that in this country in 2022, children are refused life saving treatments and forced to live in a way that is so far removed from their personal authenticity, it causes some of them to want to give up completely. Parents and doctors could go to jail for daring to help these kids, who are already dealing with so much stigma in this society. I may not be trans myself but that doesn’t mean that I am not bothered by these injustices. Trans people deserve just as much autonomy as anyone else, even if their sense of self doesn’t align with what the old closed-minded people want. I just hope one day we can all see that.
I aspire that this voting day we got some real change enacted and we can try to keep moving forward to a brighter future. One in which love, respect and acceptance are the norm.”

One hundred percent of the proceeds from minting this NFT will go towards the Point of Pride Organization, for funds that directly aim to aid economically challenged LGTBQIA+ youth and adults who are in need of life-saving healthcare assistance. Every subsequent sale will be split 50-50 with the seller and the foundation. You must be 18 years or older (or whichever is the legal age in your area) and possess a valid credit card tied to your name, or if purchasing with crypto you automatically attest that you are of legal majority age within your jurisdiction to be making such a transaction.


Dreamer Living The American Nightmare


A Gross Miscarriage of Justice Remastered